Other Services
Blood pressure/Blood glucose monitoring
MJ’s pharmacy provides free access to an in-store blood pressure monitoring system. We also sell blood pressure machines for home use. Your pharmacist will be available to educate you on the proper way to measure your blood pressure, as well as to answer any questions about your results and how they apply to you.
MJ’s pharmacy provides you with a free blood glucose measuring device upon the purchase of 100 blood glucose test strips. Based on your needs, your pharmacist will recommend the most appropriate test strips and devices, as well as educate you on the set-up and usage instructions. Feel free to also ask your pharmacist what these measurements mean and how they apply to you. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
Medication safe disposal
Why should I bring my medications back for disposal? Can I flush them down the drain?
Medications that are flushed down the toilet enter the wastewater treatment systems, which clean up the water. However, these systems are not designed to remove complex chemicals, which will eventually contaminate our beautiful streams, rivers and lakes. Although the concentrations may be very low, they may be enough to hurt fish and other aquatic wildlife and indirectly, human health. For example, medications like hormones, anti-depressants, or endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) could affect the growth and reproduction of aquatic species, as well increase bacterial antibiotic resistance. Finally, these trace amounts may eventually reach our drinking water. The long-term exposure to vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, newborn and children could have long-lasting adverse consequences. To reduce the impact on our ecosystem and our health, it is important to stop disposing of medications down the drain.
What about throwing them in the garbage can?
Studies have shown that medicines in a landfill can still be released into the environment locally. Medicines have been found in liquid decomposition, or leachate. This landfill liquid or “garbage juice” may be collected and sent to waste water treatment plants. Yet again, since these treatment plants are not designed to remove complex chemicals, the products may eventually be discharged to large bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes.
What products can I bring back for disposal and what happens to them?
You can bring back your expired or unused prescription medications, over the counter products (OTCs), natural health products (NHPs) and inhalers back to the pharmacy for safe disposal. We do NOT take back cosmetic products.
MJ’s is registered with the Medications Return Program. All products will be safely incinerated, which will prevent these chemicals from entering our biological ecosystems.
How should I bring them back?
Please remove the products from their packaging and throw them into a ziplock or plastic bag. The packaging should be recycled appropriately. Please also remove any of your personal details before returning your products.
Do you take sharps disposals?
Yes, filled sharps containers can be brought back to the pharmacy and we can safely dispose of the contents in a safe way.
Patient Enrollment in Fair PharmaCare
Fair PharmaCare:
MJ’s encourages all BC residents with Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage to register with Fair PharmaCare. If you have never registered for Fair PharmaCare or are a new Canadian resident, you can register online in less than 30 minutes. After registering, medication costs will either go towards your deductible or family maximum. Once the deductible or family maximum is reached Fair PharmaCare will start paying towards your medications.
Your coverage is based on your family net income. If you have dependant children on the same MSP contract, they will receive Fair PharmaCare coverage as part of your family.
To be eligible for Fair PharmaCare you must have:
- Valid BC MSP and
- Filed an income tax return for the relevant taxation year (i.e. two years ago). However, if you are a new Canadian Resident, since you have not filed an income tax return in Canada, you will be required to provide your income from all sources (inside/outside Canada) for the last year.
For more information:
- Learn more from Fair PharmaCare here.
- If you meet the eligibility criteria and are ready to register click here.
- For questions please contact Health insurance BC (HIBC):
- From the Lower Mainland, call 604-683-7151
- From the rest of B.C., call toll-free 1-800-663-7100
- You may also contact a MJ’s pharmacy staff member here.