Compliance Blister Packaging
- Are you on more than one medication?
- Are the quantities and times different for each medication?
- Are you often forgetting whether or not you took your dose?
- Are you on a complicated medication regimen?
- Would you like extra help with managing your medications?
If you answered yes to at least 1 or more of the above, compliance blister packaging may be for you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to talk to your pharmacist.

Can you guess what the number 1 reason is why most patients do not take medications?
The number 1 patient self-reported reason for non-adherence
Cheng, J.W.M, et al., Pharmacotherapy, 2001, 21, pp.828-841

Why blister pack?
Self-administering and managing medications can be confusing and sometimes even overwhelming if you are taking multiple medications or have a complex regimen. Yet, it may also be hard for some individuals to remember to take 1 medication, if they have to take it 4 times a day.
At MJ’s Pharmacy we provide compliance blister packaging, which is free to our patients. Compliance packaging has been shown to increase adherence and improve clinical outcomes, which ultimately reduces health care costs.
How does a blister pack work?
Each blister pack is created as a one week supply of medications that are labelled from Monday through Sunday, with different time slots for morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime doses. This makes it easy for our patients to know exactly when to take their doses and whether they have or have not taken their dose yet. Complex regimens are now made simpler!
To help you keep track of your medications, compliance reminders can also be printed on your receipts.We also have weekly and biweekly pill boxes for patients who prefer containers that are very easy to carry around.
For more information about compliance packaging or related products and services, please contact your local MJ’s Pharmacist.